Innovation      Collaboration      Quality      Education      Advocacy

Advocating Quality Brachytherapy for Canadians



Canadian Brachytherapy Survey

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to invite you to participate in a pan-Canadian brachytherapy survey. Our primary aim is to assess current Canadian brachytherapy practice, including tumor sites being treated at your site,  patient caseloads,  and infrastructure, as well as local brachytherapy training, and treatment delivery resources - including applicators and personnel. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

The results and will be used by CBG to identify expertise, potential barriers to brachytherapy delivery or brachytherapy access, and to provide a resource for Canadian radiation oncologists.

Thank you in advance for providing your time to answer this survey. The survey will remain open until December 31, 2024.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact

Kevin Martell at or Aman Taggar at

English CBG

Enquête Canadienne sur la Curiethérapie

Cher collègue,

 Nous vous écrivons pour vous inviter à participer à un sondage pancanadien sur la curiethérapie. Notre objectif principal est d'évaluer la pratique actuelle en curiethérapie au Canada, y compris les sites tumoraux traités sur votre site, le nombre de patients et l'infrastructure, ainsi que la formation locale en curiethérapie et les ressources de prestation de traitements - y compris les applicateurs et le personnel. Cette enquête prendra environ 15 minutes à compléter.

Les résultats seront utilisés par le CBG pour identifier l'expertise, les obstacles potentiels à l'administration de la curiethérapie ou à l'accès à la curiethérapie, et pour fournir une ressource aux radio-oncologues canadiens.

Merci d'avance de nous consacrer du temps pour répondre à cette enquête. L'enquête restera ouverte jusqu'au 31 décembre 2024.

Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à contacter

Kevin Martell à ou Aman Taggar à

Francais CBG

NEW - Webinars

Click here to view the program and to register!

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Become involved in the Canadian brachytherapy community, and join CBG today! 

Member benefits

  • An investment in your career and support of your profession
  • A network of professional (and also social!) contacts
  • Member Communications - Advances in Brachytherapy
  • Educational Offerings
  • Resources for Your Practice

By engaging all members of our community we hope to provide a unified voice for the work we do. Once again we thank you for your support and hope you will join us on our endeavors in 2020!

About CBG

The Canadian Brachytherapy Group is the only non-profit organization in the country dedicated to Brachytherapy.

    CBG intend to focus our efforts on Innovation, Collaboration, Quality, Education and Advocacy.

    For more information, click here!

    Contact Us!


    Address: 20 Crown Steel Drive, Unit #6, Markham, ON L3R 9X9

    Phone: 1-905-415-3917

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